Where it all began.
The land upon which our beautiful vineyards sit came to our family in the late 1800s, when Curran Alexander Snider (born 1868) and his wife Frances (born 1870) found this beautiful location that was being sold by a local liquor distiller who was fleeing North Carolina to Missouri in order to avoid paying taxes on his wares.
When Curran first saw the land, located in the Reeds community of Davidson County, all that sat upon it was an unfinished house. But they saw the potential in the property, and soon settled down to create a life for themselves.
Turning a half-built house into a home.
Soon after purchasing the land, Curran and Frances got to work completing the unfinished house that came with the land. They took their time, giving each architectural detail their full attention. This is the home where their legacy was truly born.
The Sniders raised four girls and four boys in their new home, and together as a family, they farmed the land to produce tobacco, corn, wheat and vegetables in abundance. One of the children who grew up there was James Eugene (born 1911), who was the father and grandfather of the wine connoisseurs who turned the land into North Carolina’s premier vineyards.
Making the most of the land gifted to us.
We’re proud of this beautiful farmland that is still in the family, as well as all we’ve done with it in the past 20 years. As Curran and Frances’ direct descendants, we realized there was still potential in the land beyond a nice place to visit. The ground had rested for a while, and in 2001, we recognized that the land was ideally suited for planting European vinifera wine grapes.
So we planted our first vineyards, with several goals in mind:
• To make excellent wines that reflect the unique character of our farmland
• To honor the legacy that Curran, Francis and their children established
• To maintain the agricultural heritage of the land left to us
Clearly, our hard work and persistence have paid off. So come see what we’ve accomplished, taste our delectable wines, and drink in our history.